Bai Huong Village Cham Island – Bird’s Nest Legend Village
Bai Huong Cham Island is located in the southwest region of Lao Island. Here, nearly 94 households are living with each other. It is a small fishing hamlet.
When you come to Bai Huong, you can observe its wild landscapes and the peaceful life of the local people living in simple houses along narrow winding alleys. In the early morning, the boat’s berth and fresh seafood are sold along the wharf leading to the Hamlet.
You can stay in a homestay accommodation, which is a small house featuring the seaside lifestyle. You may also enjoy fresh seafood caught by the fishermen of the hamlet, or follow fishing boats, or basket boats with the homeowners to go fishing, netting, or coral diving. In the afternoon, you can sit and enjoy the fresh sea breezes under the green coconut trees, aligned on the side of the main road, facing the sea.
The relics such as Birds Nest Gatherer’s Ancestors Temple, Ngu Hanh Temple, and Ngoc Huong Temple are sightseeing locations that may help you understand more about the spiritual life of the people in this place.