What should to eat at Cham Island?
What should you eat at Cham Island? is the question that travelers are think about. We would like to send you information what should you eat at Cham Island?
Come to Cham Island, eating Seafood is the first thing you should think. The seafood is fresh and delicious, especially so cheap and processed on the spot.
When joining the Cham Island tour, they must think: This place is definitely seafood, species are very delicious. We share with you this is only 80% true. In addition to seafood specialties, come to Cham Island you will be enjoyed other specialties besides seafood. Let’s go explore to Cu Lao Cham, what delicious food?
Stone Crab at Cham Island
What should to eat to Cham Island? – What delicious food at Cham Island?
- Nests
- Stone Crab
- Abalone
- Sea urchins
- Lobster
- Jungle vegetable
- Quang Noodles
- Husband and wife cakes
The best dishes of Cham Island are waiting for you. What are you waiting for, booking Cham Island tour 1 day to enjoy